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“Swallowed by Mercy” - Jonah’s journey with God Pt. 1 -Running

Be the first house that people run to every time.

At Lifehouse Church, we invite you to join us for the first part of a powerful 4-part series on the life of Jonah. Every one of us has faced moments where we wanted to run from God’s call or avoid His plan for our lives. But as Jonah’s story teaches us, running from God only leads to deeper struggles and painful consequences. No matter how far we think we can go, God’s presence pursues us with relentless love, guiding us back to His will. Don’t miss out on discovering the freedom that comes from yielding to God’s call. Come be part of this impactful series, where we’ll explore how to embrace God’s direction and avoid the storms that can rock our lives. Will you join us at Lifehouse for part 1 of our journey through Jonah? Make this the turning point in your spiritual walk. We look forward to seeing you there!

February 26

Life Group

March 5

Life Group