Get involved
At LifeHouse Church, everyone has a place to belong and a role to play. Join us as we grow, serve, and build a community rooted in the Life and Love of Jesus.
No. 1 — Visit
Start your week in God’s house. Visit this Sunday—and every Sunday—to experience heartfelt worship, meaningful teaching, and a welcoming community.
No. 2 — Connect
Join a Life Group
Life Groups are where real connections happen. Meeting every Wednesday near Greenway and 67th Avenue, find a safe space to share, grow, and walk through life together. Groups follow a rhythm of 9 weeks on, 4 weeks off, so there’s always a perfect time to jump in.
No. 3 — Serve
Volunteer to serve
At LifeHouse, we believe in serving practically to care for others. We offer a number of volunteer opportunities to those who wish to get involved.
First Impressions
Welcome guests and create a warm environment, the first to open the Door.
Sunday Crew
Help make services happen behind the scenes, setting up and tearing down.
Children’s Ministry
Serve with our kids' to introduce young hearts to the beauty of Jesus.
Youth Ministry
Be a mentor and encouragement to the next generation of leaders.
No. 4 — Practice
Enter the Labs
LifeHouse Labs are opportunities to powerfully practice and grow in specific areas of ministry. These experiences are both practical and transformational, offering a chance to explore your gifts and step into exercising your God-given leadership abilities.
Use your artistic, design, or production talents to glorify Jesus.
Hone your musical and technical skills while leading others in worship.
Learn and practice how to deliver God’s Word effectively.
No. 5 — Give
Support the mission
Your generosity makes ministry possible. When you give to LifeHouse Church, you’re helping us care for our community, share the Love of Jesus, and equip others to serve.
No. 6 — Follow
Share beyond Sunday
Follow us on social media for inspiration, updates, and ways to engage. Even more importantly, share the love of Jesus with your neighbors, opening the Door to meet him and belong to a family both local and global.
Take the first step