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Defending the vision Pt. 3

The Door is open this—and every—Sunday. Recently, we have been looking at the subject of vision from the lens of Nehemiah. We see that every time we have God-inspired vision there will always be some kind of resistance we that we face. In Nehemiah 2:10-20 we are introduced to the three opposers that attempted to thwart the building of the wall. Sanballt, Tobiahs, and Geshem are three men that attempted to thwart the God-inspired vision to build the wall. These three men embody three different vision snatchers that we all face. Listen in as we learn to defend the vision that we are called to in Christ. Whether it is a vision for a healthy marriage, being a good parent, or a great leader, we all face opposition of realizing a God given vision.

January 12

Vision, Part 2

January 22

Life Group